Earthquake Information for Bay Area Residents
An excellent source of information for anyone living in the San Francisco Bay Area. "Why Should I Care?", "Why Should I Prepare?", "What Should I Do?", and "What Else Should I Know?" sections contain a wealth of information downloadable in a easy to read pdf brochure.
Provides guidelines for retrofitting crawl spaces and cripple walls for single-story wood frame buildings. Shows some basic concepts of wood frame retrofit in EQ regions, allowing homeowners to evaluate and perform the retrofit in simpler single-story buildings.
Basic Retrofit Guidelines for Homeowners
Association of Bay Area Government website, the regional planning and services agency for the nine-county San Francisco Bay Area. Provides tools for EQ Preparedness, Hazard Maps, Hazard modeling, and more EQ related information for Bay Area residents.
United States Geological Service website, a one-stop site for most things regarding EQ's in a easy to use format. "Latest Quake Info", "General Quake Info", "Hazards and Preparedness", "Earthquake Research", "Special Features", and "Additional Resources" sections provide easy-to-use yet extensive information regarding earthquakes for any level of interest.
Earthquake Monitors
Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology website. Provides near real-time information on earthquakes worldwide, as well as a visual display of earthquakes and fault zones all around the world. See also USGS site,
Earthquake Resource/Information Links

North Bay Seismic Design